The story was starting to come together. Whether the woman at the booth had intended to cause chaos or had thought she was doing real good, it seemed clear that magic had been involved there. Arthur had professed to want his knee better, or something like it; in a twisted way this seemed to accomplish that. The next steps were probably obvious, then. Find the woman and see what she'd done, and either get her to reverse it or get a healer to reverse it.
But something had snagged him in Arthur's retelling, and although he knew it wasn't the point Emrys didn't seem capable of just letting the remark go. He hesitated, then asked gently, "What would you have said if... it had been something real?"
But something had snagged him in Arthur's retelling, and although he knew it wasn't the point Emrys didn't seem capable of just letting the remark go. He hesitated, then asked gently, "What would you have said if... it had been something real?"

Lou made this! <3