Seraphina was starting to remember what she'd liked about her dalliances as a debutante — it wasn't just that flirting was fun, or that she was satisfied by knowing that someone was attracted to her. She liked the end-game, the physicality. Perhaps her father was right about her in the end, because perhaps she would have ruined them anyways — but they would never know, would they? All Sera knew was that she was enjoying her lengthy kiss with Don Juan Dempsey, and that she was better at it than she'd been last time; her hands had settled onto her shoulders without Sera having to think overmuch about where to place them.
She leaned up to press a kiss to the corner of his jaw, partially because she was charmed by the look in Dempsey's eyes and partially because she wanted to think. Undoing her hair again was a risk — she was not sure she could get it back on her own, and she would have been moderately surprised if Dempsey could help her redo something this complicated. So — something else. A new threshold, maybe.
"Would you like to undo my bodice laces?" Sera asked, pulling away from his neck. Her expression matched his in brightness, with something playful around the edges — because she'd noted, when she put this gown on, that it would be easier for someone to undo the top layer of her dress than it was in some of her other ballgowns.
She leaned up to press a kiss to the corner of his jaw, partially because she was charmed by the look in Dempsey's eyes and partially because she wanted to think. Undoing her hair again was a risk — she was not sure she could get it back on her own, and she would have been moderately surprised if Dempsey could help her redo something this complicated. So — something else. A new threshold, maybe.
"Would you like to undo my bodice laces?" Sera asked, pulling away from his neck. Her expression matched his in brightness, with something playful around the edges — because she'd noted, when she put this gown on, that it would be easier for someone to undo the top layer of her dress than it was in some of her other ballgowns.