Hauke recognized that face-- a panic universal among students everywhere, and the sense of despair that followed. He had worn that look himself, in distant Durmstrang. That was unfinished work and a looming deadline, and the year had barely begun. Hauke suppressed a sigh.
"You've made a fair start of it," Hauke offered, and leaned a little to peer at the title and the name. Miss Tatting... the family name tickled something in the back of his head, but where he knew it from he could not hope to say. A terribly English name he must have glimpsed in the last few months. "For Charms, yes? What is the subject?"
"You've made a fair start of it," Hauke offered, and leaned a little to peer at the title and the name. Miss Tatting... the family name tickled something in the back of his head, but where he knew it from he could not hope to say. A terribly English name he must have glimpsed in the last few months. "For Charms, yes? What is the subject?"