Even though he was kind, and even though she liked spending time with him, it was good for Emilia to remember that Mr. Podmore was so much wealthier than she was. She shouldn't get too comfortable speaking with him; it was the sort of friendship she advised her children against. He'd gotten to travel. She ought to keep them in the realm of pleasant small talk.
"I went to Madrid once," Emilia said, with a smile that bordered on sly. This sounded like a confession, even though it was not exactly a secret — she supposed it felt like one because most people didn't know it. "When I was with Magical Accidents & Catastrophes." She'd gotten a case that was half-international, and she was able to go to Madrid and see the sights. It was the only travel she'd done outside of Britain.
"I went to Madrid once," Emilia said, with a smile that bordered on sly. This sounded like a confession, even though it was not exactly a secret — she supposed it felt like one because most people didn't know it. "When I was with Magical Accidents & Catastrophes." She'd gotten a case that was half-international, and she was able to go to Madrid and see the sights. It was the only travel she'd done outside of Britain.