Antelope was ready for the duelling after adding her name to the sign up sheet. She was a very talented witch with plenty of power and fancied her chances against most of the other names on the list. There were a few that she would certainly rather not face, and as luck would have it, one of them was now standing right in front of her. She smiled and mimicked Anne's preferred bow with one of her own before pulling her 11 inches of Alder out into a guard position. "If you let me win I'll let you have first pick on anything I grow.". The gardens club president said playfully to the eager potioneer.
Prewett bid them begin so Antelope focused, casting a defensive spells, "Speculo" hoping to reflect whatever Anne cast right back at her. She hoped it wasn't anything too painful.
Anne Moony Edelweiss Prewett
OOC: the spell is one I found on hpfanonwiki because I didnt just want to use protego for everyone. If that's not allowed I'll just edit it to protego.
Her name is pronounced similarly to Penelope