The other man was talking now, quite brazenly as if he had any right to speak at all. With color high in her cheeks, Rowan snapped her gaze from her cousin to him, her brow canted high as she regarded him with a look that quite plainly told him that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth at all. Her heart pounded in her chest rapidly, and she gripped her wand. She’d already prevented the both of them from leaving. She tried to take a breath. She needed to figure out what came next; to figure out if she even could keep something like this to herself at all! But then Elfrieda started to plead with her.
Rowan listened, taking deep breaths as she did so, however giving her cousin the time to plead her case ended up being a mistake. All this talk of unhappiness what did Elfie know about unhappiness? The picture of her sister flashed through her mind, injured because of her father’s foolishness; foolishness that apparently hadn’t escaped this branch of the family. Common sense was fast, but clearly the Yaxleys were faster. Rowan wanted to scream. What good was the idiotic argument for purebloods in this country if it seemed they all had lost their absolute wits?
She felt the beast of rage rise in her chest and she looked from between the both of them. “First of all,” she snapped at the man. “There is very little room for you to talk; not when you’ve just left my cousin in the lurch, bare to the world with little protection. If you can’t protect her like this, forgive me if I believe your skills worthy to go up against so much as a bullfrog’s.” She brandished her wand for emphasis, and angry red sparks crackled from the tip. “You’d do well to keep your mouth shut unless you’d like me to shut. it. for you.” There was no need to illustrate that she knew how to do that and do it well.
“And you,” Rowan rounded on Elfrieda, the propulsion of anger having sparked a match and given way to inferno. “How dare you talk of unhappiness. You have a home. You have a life, you are able to go places, Elfrieda!” She gestured her free hand to the door, her voice cracking with emotion. Elfie could go outside. Elfie could partake in society. Elfie wasn't stuck to a bed, cursed like a maiden locked in a tower. Elfie’s fool-of-a-husband hadn’t squandered their wealth with piles of debt like Rowan’s fool-for-a-father!
Rowan's family had been dealt their lot in life. They’d lived with it. They found ways to do so. But her cousin was complaining she was stuck to the house, that her joy in life…rested in this man. Oooh, she could just slap her. If only it would knock some sense into her. “There’s a whole world out there for you, you can get out of bed, you have society. You have money!” Something her family barely had to keep their heads a float. “And you wanted to throw it all away for some man?” Rowan shook her head vigorously, finally catching the state of disarray the man was in. Her lip curled. “No.” She turned to leave.
Rowan listened, taking deep breaths as she did so, however giving her cousin the time to plead her case ended up being a mistake. All this talk of unhappiness what did Elfie know about unhappiness? The picture of her sister flashed through her mind, injured because of her father’s foolishness; foolishness that apparently hadn’t escaped this branch of the family. Common sense was fast, but clearly the Yaxleys were faster. Rowan wanted to scream. What good was the idiotic argument for purebloods in this country if it seemed they all had lost their absolute wits?
She felt the beast of rage rise in her chest and she looked from between the both of them. “First of all,” she snapped at the man. “There is very little room for you to talk; not when you’ve just left my cousin in the lurch, bare to the world with little protection. If you can’t protect her like this, forgive me if I believe your skills worthy to go up against so much as a bullfrog’s.” She brandished her wand for emphasis, and angry red sparks crackled from the tip. “You’d do well to keep your mouth shut unless you’d like me to shut. it. for you.” There was no need to illustrate that she knew how to do that and do it well.
“And you,” Rowan rounded on Elfrieda, the propulsion of anger having sparked a match and given way to inferno. “How dare you talk of unhappiness. You have a home. You have a life, you are able to go places, Elfrieda!” She gestured her free hand to the door, her voice cracking with emotion. Elfie could go outside. Elfie could partake in society. Elfie wasn't stuck to a bed, cursed like a maiden locked in a tower. Elfie’s fool-of-a-husband hadn’t squandered their wealth with piles of debt like Rowan’s fool-for-a-father!
Rowan's family had been dealt their lot in life. They’d lived with it. They found ways to do so. But her cousin was complaining she was stuck to the house, that her joy in life…rested in this man. Oooh, she could just slap her. If only it would knock some sense into her. “There’s a whole world out there for you, you can get out of bed, you have society. You have money!” Something her family barely had to keep their heads a float. “And you wanted to throw it all away for some man?” Rowan shook her head vigorously, finally catching the state of disarray the man was in. Her lip curled. “No.” She turned to leave.
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