Hazel gave the bar maid a dismissive wave. Not much had spilled on her. The beer really on spilled a little on her hand. Placing the beer on the counter, Hazel started wiping her hands on her apron. It was already pretty dirty from her day's work. "Mòran taing(Many thanks). Oh don't worry about it. I need to wash up anyway way when I go home." Hazel smiled a bit before taking a swig from her glass. Waving the bartender over, she ordered another before sitting up a little more straight in her chair.
Looking the bar maid over, she couldn't help but think that they were attractive. While maybe she couldn't openly hit on her and probably sucked at hitting on people in general, the thought at least danced across her mind. Not that someone probably at her caliber would like Hazel's company. She wasn't exactly a popular dinner guest. Outside of her social standing, Hazel generally was just too quiet for people (unless she was drinking). "Usually this busy or just the weather getting people indoors?" Hazel would ask, pushing off her empty glass before starting on the new one that had just arrived.
Looking the bar maid over, she couldn't help but think that they were attractive. While maybe she couldn't openly hit on her and probably sucked at hitting on people in general, the thought at least danced across her mind. Not that someone probably at her caliber would like Hazel's company. She wasn't exactly a popular dinner guest. Outside of her social standing, Hazel generally was just too quiet for people (unless she was drinking). "Usually this busy or just the weather getting people indoors?" Hazel would ask, pushing off her empty glass before starting on the new one that had just arrived.