(January 26, 2025 – 8:09 PM)Calvin Paxton Wrote: Gah I forgot how adorable Wren is <3
Friendly with Wren, not especially close to Jack or Winston?he's going to up with too many friends for someone who was supposed to be quiet lolbut Jack being rich/nobility and Winston being "odd" might not have had as much overlap.
Leooooo you could bring him a body if you want, he has an open thread, but if you'd rather not skirt gore we could also have a work thread where Cal is bringing him a report or something and the bodies stay in the morgue lol
Can I start a thread for Mia at T3B?
Tycho Dodonus
Leo could bring you another body since that one was claimed? And you sure can! Though she does her best to stay hidden there because she doesn't want people to recognize her from her Debutante Cosplaying lol.

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