Ok we already talked about Declan so skipping that one --
He would have been in the same year at Hogwarts as Hanna, Zelda, and Noble (lol rip me.) PICK YOUR POISONS, but probably would have known Noble even before being a Clem-friend! Noble does think being a male activist is weird.
Kieran writes about creature deaths sometimes??
My DMLE folks are Ivy Sandow and ZELDA AGAIN, Ivy isn't freaked by death but Zelda sure is (and encounters it more rarely, generally.)

MJ made this!
He would have been in the same year at Hogwarts as Hanna, Zelda, and Noble (lol rip me.) PICK YOUR POISONS, but probably would have known Noble even before being a Clem-friend! Noble does think being a male activist is weird.
Kieran writes about creature deaths sometimes??
My DMLE folks are Ivy Sandow and ZELDA AGAIN, Ivy isn't freaked by death but Zelda sure is (and encounters it more rarely, generally.)

MJ made this!