January 7th, 1895 — Crowdy Memorial Library
The man kept reading books and papers on curses, and Morrigan kept watching him find them. She had seen this happen several times before finally she took an opportunity to bring a cart back to the stacks, and it was inevitable that she find the table he was sitting at. She had to wheel through the library, after all — no one could accuse her of only being interested in patrons if they were researching her personal interests.Her lips quirked up; she recognized the book he was reading not by its cover, but by the purple edges of the binding that were visible even as he had it open. She abandoned her cart to approach the table.
"Smirke's research is contradicted by that volume," Morrigan said, indicating a book further down in the man's small pile with her index finger. "So I would not get too attached to his thesis."
Ezra Applegate

set by Bee