She dreaded to think what was passing through the other two’s minds at this – she suspected fears about another year of not-marrying would be plaguing them both. And Effie couldn’t judge them for that, not in the least, because – until recently – she had been there, and been through the countless stages of grief about it, that looming possibility of ending up alone.
So she imagined that was the change to their circumstances they were hoping for, whatever Hanna said about focus. Effie furrowed her brow. (She wouldn’t have minded this conversation half so much if they were not having it in front of the strange woman at the booth. It all felt oddly loaded, here.)
And there were plenty of things Effie would change about herself, but – “You don’t need to change anything about yourself. Neither of you do,” she insisted. She couldn’t hiss about the suspiciousness of the woman asking them in her earshot, but she gave her friends a wary look, trying to project I don’t like this.
So she imagined that was the change to their circumstances they were hoping for, whatever Hanna said about focus. Effie furrowed her brow. (She wouldn’t have minded this conversation half so much if they were not having it in front of the strange woman at the booth. It all felt oddly loaded, here.)
And there were plenty of things Effie would change about herself, but – “You don’t need to change anything about yourself. Neither of you do,” she insisted. She couldn’t hiss about the suspiciousness of the woman asking them in her earshot, but she gave her friends a wary look, trying to project I don’t like this.