He is also blind, having lost his physical sight when his Seer powers began growing exponentially during his pre-hogwarts childhood. He is aided by a working class seventh year Slytherin boy that his parents are funding in exchange for his assistance. Nim also always carries an enchanted staff that helps him find his way around places.
Some cliff notes:
- He is a Slytherin who is in his final year.
- He takes Arithmancy, Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Transfiguration classes.
- The bulk of his friend circle would likely be made up of other boys. Class and blood do not wholly matter though he would likely have been in the same kiddie circles as other UCPB kiddos.
- He has a part-kneazle cat that operates much like a seeing eye dog and is also very protective of Nim.
- He is also gay and very aware of it.