The young woman was quite different from many of her peers, much more forward, much more sure of herself, at least that was the impression that Harrison got from her. The pause in the air was just enough for him to understand that his insinuation had not gone unnoticed or unwanted, but he knew enough about how the world worked that there was a large social leap from a joke to entertaining an unwed woman alone.
"Would love to. " he said as they began the short walk back to the main floor. "I'm not sure if you've ever been told this before, but in India, that beauty spot on your cheek would be considered a sign that you had a charming, sociable and strong personality. Doesn't seem too far from the mark from where I stand." Harrison smiled, he hoped he would not offended by mentioning it, there were more than a few young women who might after all. "I think you would do well there."
Should she now let him, he would turn her onto the dance floor and place his hand on her side to begin the dance.
Matilda Farris Elias Grimstone