For a moment, Iphegenia was taken aback to see Headmaster Black here—his time as potions professor predated her own tenure at Hogwarts, though she supposed judging people in this regard suited his self-important nature. The debutante, however, was not about to let this surprise impede her chances, and Genia deftly focused her attentions upon the task at hand.
Calming Draught. It was not a complicated concoction, as potions went, but at least this was an arena of competition no one could begrudge a debuante. Besides, if it was not complicated, surely Genia should do splendidly.
The witch set about doing just that, carefully measuring her ingredients and adding them to the cauldron. When finished, Genia raised a confident hand for judgement.
Calming Draught. It was not a complicated concoction, as potions went, but at least this was an arena of competition no one could begrudge a debuante. Besides, if it was not complicated, surely Genia should do splendidly.
The witch set about doing just that, carefully measuring her ingredients and adding them to the cauldron. When finished, Genia raised a confident hand for judgement.

— mj makes pretty things ✨ —