A calming draught was a useless potion, Dru thought disdainfully as she glanced through the instructions. Peppermint and lavender, so the drinker was going to smell it as well as taste it, and it turned out a blueish color when it was done. So you could only give it to someone if they knew they were taking it, not surreptitiously add it to a drink, and if the person you wanted to subdue already knew they needed to calm down and was amenable to taking a potion for it then whatever was the point? They clearly had never been properly upset at all.
But she supposed they wouldn't want to feature any of the really useful potions in a competition like this. It might go giving the ladies ideas. She followed the instructions down to the letter and stood back when her brew was complete, waiting for the Headmaster (not as intimidating as he hoped to be, she thought) to come take a look.
But she supposed they wouldn't want to feature any of the really useful potions in a competition like this. It might go giving the ladies ideas. She followed the instructions down to the letter and stood back when her brew was complete, waiting for the Headmaster (not as intimidating as he hoped to be, she thought) to come take a look.
ty MJ <3