January 25th, 1895 — Hogsmeade Hall
Her forray home for the Christmas holidays had lasted rather longer than Idunn had intended; her mentor had gone abroad on family matters, and there had been "no need for her to rush back under such circumstances". Idunn rather thought having spent so much time with her family consituted a great need, but alas, her mother had been present when she had received the missive, leaving the young potioneer within her family clutches through the end of January.
At least she could do this, her membership in the London Potioneers Guild having been kept up even in her absence.
"Your first potion," Idunn informed the competitors, all of which were her senior (save Miss Hunter, with whom she had graduated), "will be a simple doxycide." If they could not do that in exemplary fashion, they had no buisness being here, the witch thought. "Directions and ingredients have, of course, been provided—you may begin!"
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— Graphics by MJ ♡ —