If Glynn was uncomfortable with the conversation, Jimmy had been oblivious – in fact, as long as someone did not say as much or slap him in the face, he tended to suppose that they were getting along swimmingly.
And maybe they were, because that remark about making friends was very nearly sass from Glynn, who was tragically un-sassy. Jimmy grinned – at least until the Ravenclaw poked at the Devil’s Snare, which did not extricate his hand from its clutches as he expected. “This new friend of mine is pretty – clingy,” he joked, as the vines curled rather aggressively around his wrist, forcing him to lurch closer to the rest of its newly-planted tendrils. He wasn’t panicked yet (or so he told himself), but he was... less calm than he had been a second ago. “So, uh, what did you just do to it?”
And maybe they were, because that remark about making friends was very nearly sass from Glynn, who was tragically un-sassy. Jimmy grinned – at least until the Ravenclaw poked at the Devil’s Snare, which did not extricate his hand from its clutches as he expected. “This new friend of mine is pretty – clingy,” he joked, as the vines curled rather aggressively around his wrist, forcing him to lurch closer to the rest of its newly-planted tendrils. He wasn’t panicked yet (or so he told himself), but he was... less calm than he had been a second ago. “So, uh, what did you just do to it?”