Bits of the room around him came into his field of view and vanished. For some reason the next dose was not yet there. His body fought in two different directions, pulled up, dragged down, outwards; Every signal was going haywire and he was blind with pain. He needed to make it to baseline quickly and efficiently. “Halves”, he pressed trough his clenched teeth, insensible to what the rest of his body was doing. Up on his high he could at least talk clearly. Now words formed in his mind but had no path to travel towards. It dawned on him that Don Juan might not be able to administer it well enough and that he might get stuck in hell.
With immense effort he pulled his seized hands away from the shirt. He felt the irrational impulse to strangle Don Juan. “All of it. Give me — one and a half. At once”, he tried to tell him, not sure if he would get it across.
With immense effort he pulled his seized hands away from the shirt. He felt the irrational impulse to strangle Don Juan. “All of it. Give me — one and a half. At once”, he tried to tell him, not sure if he would get it across.