Clouds of powder everywhere! Miss Pucey had made a good effort to dodge one of the bludgers headed her way, but ended up flying directly into the path of the second. Gillenwater and Pettigrew were hit as well. Gryffindor had their first score on the board now, though with Ravenclaw at seven there seemed little chance of them being competitive in this match.
One of the Slytherins swept into redirect the bludger that had missed Miss Pucey, sending it hurtling towards Mr. Gallivan.
Greta hit, Polly hit by one of the two, Caspian was also hit. One of the Slytherins swept into redirect the bludger that had missed Miss Pucey, sending it hurtling towards Mr. Gallivan.
G- 1
H- 4
R- 7
S- 2
Rex hit to Morgan Valenduris
NPC Slyth to Nathaniel Gallivan II

MJ made this <3