"My apologies," Sobie offered as she looped the strap of her bag across the last remaining seat at the table before taking a seat, "My alchemy group ran late." She sounded slightly winded but paid the fact no mind as she started to rummage through her bag, pulling out a quill, ink pot, and notebook.
She'd arrived just in time to catch the tail end of Osei's statement and the choice left her a little bit annoyed. Like Fudge, Isobel was only in Herbology but if anyone asked she would promptly blame the lack of Ancient Studies on her roster on the fact the staff hadn't allowed her to be the exception to the seven class rule not her inability to manage another class. Or two. Though she was quite content to no longer take Astronomy.
"I would prefer herbology as well but I suppose Mr. Fudge and I can always go over things together if the two of you need to look at something from Crowley."
Though honestly, from what she had heard of Crowley so far, Sobie was almost glad she wasn't in the class. While she admired any female in the pursuit of academia, even Sobie had to admit the woman was a bit... strange.
She'd arrived just in time to catch the tail end of Osei's statement and the choice left her a little bit annoyed. Like Fudge, Isobel was only in Herbology but if anyone asked she would promptly blame the lack of Ancient Studies on her roster on the fact the staff hadn't allowed her to be the exception to the seven class rule not her inability to manage another class. Or two. Though she was quite content to no longer take Astronomy.
"I would prefer herbology as well but I suppose Mr. Fudge and I can always go over things together if the two of you need to look at something from Crowley."
Though honestly, from what she had heard of Crowley so far, Sobie was almost glad she wasn't in the class. While she admired any female in the pursuit of academia, even Sobie had to admit the woman was a bit... strange.