Ben didn't bother to lecture Mr. Potter once he had him safely on the ground; he presumed the ridicule he might receive from his housemates later would more than make the point. "Sit down for a minute if you want to go back up," he recommended before returning his attention to the game. Potter was still looking a little red-faced, maybe from the disorienting sensation of being hung upside down or maybe just from embarrassment. Meanwhile, the game was continuing overhead. Mohr had dogded again, but three other bludgers had made contact — one to Miss Valenduris (not the blind one, Merlin help him) and two, very nearly at the same time, to Greta Gillenwater. She might need to take a minute after being pummeled from two directions at once, too.
Eros dodges. Greta hit twice (Nico & Rex), Morgan once (Bonnie).G- 0
H- 4
R- 5
S- 0

MJ made this <3