The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
Surely it was obvious? Wasn't it obvious? She strongly suspected he was still messing with her, but even if he was, what else could she do but to elaborate? She couldn't accuse him of playing dumb! Well, sir, she took a moment to steady herself in her ongoing torment, I fear I may have accidentally implied that I would not- That I would not be content with merely one dance and I should like to assure you that that was the furthest possible thought from my mind. She managed to deliver this all with surprising smoothness, although she spent the entire time staring at his right shoulder and not his face. Then she realized the new implication in what she'd just said. Which is not to suggest that I feel any particular repulsion towards you, Mr. Dempsey, it would be the same with any other gentleman, she added hastily. Too hastily really, her husband counted as one such gentleman and unless he happened to be in a different room right now then that was another faux pas all its own and even if he was in another room it wouldn't seem likely that she'd observed as much prior to making such a bold statement.
Outfit | Tag: Don Juan Dempsey | Notes: