Victory did his best to stifle the moans that Blotts actions were pulling from him once the initial pain of being entered gave itself into pleasure. It really had been too long since he had last let himself indulge in the touch of another. "Fuck," he grunted as Blotts pace turned fervent.
He smiled a bit lazily as the other finished. He was going to have to deal with that but that was a problem for later. He shuddered in the pleasure of it as Blott took him into his hand and into his mouth. It did not take long until his hands were in the others hair which he then tugged at in warning when he felt himself getting close to his own completion.
He smiled a bit lazily as the other finished. He was going to have to deal with that but that was a problem for later. He shuddered in the pleasure of it as Blott took him into his hand and into his mouth. It did not take long until his hands were in the others hair which he then tugged at in warning when he felt himself getting close to his own completion.

set by Lady!