She could see the mark of this night being imprinted upon his person like a brand; could see it seeping into him. It was as if the smoke of the shock was curling up around him and evaporating as she watched. Fuck. Heart wrenching in her chest, Hestia could only press him closer as he leaned into her. Even now it was more apparent how much he’d grown, if not for the fact that he’d experienced something no one should ever have to experience in their lifetime. Shifting her position, Hestia turned to wrap both her arms around him. Surely it felt as if the weight of the world had just put itself on Jimmy’s shoulders. “Jimmy, you stay as long as you need.” She said firmly once more, emphasizing her meaning as she gave him a little squeeze. “There’s no need to decide anything right now or this week. Just..just rest as much as you can.”
It was the beginning of July, which meant he wouldn’t go back to Hogwarts for another few months. Running the numbers in her head, Hestia knew they’d be able to squeeze by with Jimmy there. She’d need to get ahold of Barbie and ask him about putting some wards on the room Jimmy would be staying in; that owl, she’d send in the morning. But she doubted Jimmy would want to do anything but sleep right now. Not after what he’d seen. “Have you eaten anything?” Can you eat anything?
It was the beginning of July, which meant he wouldn’t go back to Hogwarts for another few months. Running the numbers in her head, Hestia knew they’d be able to squeeze by with Jimmy there. She’d need to get ahold of Barbie and ask him about putting some wards on the room Jimmy would be staying in; that owl, she’d send in the morning. But she doubted Jimmy would want to do anything but sleep right now. Not after what he’d seen. “Have you eaten anything?” Can you eat anything?