She could see the thoughts teaming in his head, knew that she had asked something monumental from him even as she spoke. He was debating, and Themis deeply resented that 'no' could be his answer. Still, she wouldn't belittle herself with pleading. Whatever he decided, she would respect.
Relief filled Themis when he agreed to join her, and the nagging self-doubt grew a bit quieter. The hope it gave her was fragile and dangerous to hold. She had no idea what he would be facing come morning, and he had set a boundary around her involvement. The feeling of helplessness irked her, but her ability to help him only lasted the night. Tomorrow, he would be on his own. Tomorrow, he would leave her. The thought—the reality—stung.
She didn't follow when he moved away, allowed him his space as she did her best to put her appearance in order. Her braid had come loose, and rogue strands of hair defied her need for order. Her clothing, for the most part, had remained on and was now rumpled from their activities. A creature of order, she now appeared as a woman debauched. She didn't mind the transformation. With a quick burst of charm work, she righted her hair and clothing. To anyone she passed on her way to her tower, she was the same Professor Lyra she had been a few hours earlier. Nothing to see here and no reason for the portraits to talk. If nothing else, she would control her reputation.
"I'll be waiting for you." She promised as she headed for the door with a weighty certainty she didn't mean tonight alone.
Relief filled Themis when he agreed to join her, and the nagging self-doubt grew a bit quieter. The hope it gave her was fragile and dangerous to hold. She had no idea what he would be facing come morning, and he had set a boundary around her involvement. The feeling of helplessness irked her, but her ability to help him only lasted the night. Tomorrow, he would be on his own. Tomorrow, he would leave her. The thought—the reality—stung.
She didn't follow when he moved away, allowed him his space as she did her best to put her appearance in order. Her braid had come loose, and rogue strands of hair defied her need for order. Her clothing, for the most part, had remained on and was now rumpled from their activities. A creature of order, she now appeared as a woman debauched. She didn't mind the transformation. With a quick burst of charm work, she righted her hair and clothing. To anyone she passed on her way to her tower, she was the same Professor Lyra she had been a few hours earlier. Nothing to see here and no reason for the portraits to talk. If nothing else, she would control her reputation.
"I'll be waiting for you." She promised as she headed for the door with a weighty certainty she didn't mean tonight alone.