The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The bottom of Nova's stomach dropped out with the full force of an out of control horse-drawn carriage thundering down a narrow, winding mountain path. That hadn't been what she'd been angling for at all! This was terrible. This was unbearable. She couldn't imagine how she could possibly endure two whole dances with him, one of which was a waltz! There was also no question of her refusing him outright, the very thought made her feel almost lightheaded. I would not like to impose, sir, I hope you did not mistake my observation as an implication that it was not... She trailed off, knowing it was hopeless, but maybe just maybe he would take pity on her.
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