Probably not. He was stood there paging through these books idly, apparently not even remembering which one it was that he had picked up. Dru was unexpectedly furious, not with this man specifically but with this man as an archetype of all the people in the world who could just drift casually, aimlessly through life and not much care whether they found what they wanted or not. People who did not need this magic in the same way she did; people who had no real demons to face down.
"Then if you don't mind," she said, words clipped and her voice rising a pitch in aggravation. She held out her hand for the book expectantly, after having just barely resisted the urge to snap it straight out of his hands. She had remembered somewhat belatedly that one of her goals today was to be entirely unmemorable, so that there was no chance of anyone mentioning which aisle she had been in — she was not off to an auspicious start, but grabbing books out of a stranger's hands would have been even worse.
"Then if you don't mind," she said, words clipped and her voice rising a pitch in aggravation. She held out her hand for the book expectantly, after having just barely resisted the urge to snap it straight out of his hands. She had remembered somewhat belatedly that one of her goals today was to be entirely unmemorable, so that there was no chance of anyone mentioning which aisle she had been in — she was not off to an auspicious start, but grabbing books out of a stranger's hands would have been even worse.

ty MJ <3