The truth to his words startled her. There was something raw to his words, a hint at just frayed his control was becoming. It would be easier, perhaps, to dismiss what he said at such a charged moment, but for a second, she stilled, her mind overloaded by the task at hand. Lust could cloud over anything if given the chance, but his eyes were clear, wild, and solely on her. All she could read was his sincerity and it was more frightening than any hint of scheming.
He gave her no more time to overanalyze his sincerity as his body pinned her to the table. There was no room for panic as the weight of him held her in place, only a growing realization that there would be no other end to this encounter, there would be no stopping them now. She was overjoyed, the feeling heady and reckless as her hands begged to explore him.
She was lost to it, the overpowering force that was Samuel filling more of her senses now, her world shrinking to every point of contact between them. Her head fell back as she moved with him, the table and the back of her head meeting in a way she would regret tomorrow. It didn’t matter, the ache in her head nothing compared to the way Sam surrounded her. She resented the articles of clothing still separating them; wanted to catalogue every inch of him before he walked away from her. The thought that this was it, that in moments he would dismiss her and go chasing his demons, made her wild. Her hands were at his chest, intent on ridding him of his damned shirt when he stopped her. A spark of dread flared in her chest as he stilled her hands, certain that this was when he stopped them both. She searched his face for explanation, but quickly gave up her search and what was left of her composure when he finally joined them.
There was no place for soft words and gentle seduction tonight. The list of ways this should be different was loud in her mind for a moment. She did not take lovers, did not endanger her reputation, she certainly didn’t seduce men or swoon at the first shows of attention. This wasn’t her, propriety scolded, but any thoughts about what she should do evaporated as they established a rhythm that left her incapable of reason.
The only words she seemed capable of were a litany of his name, a prayer to him as he wrecked her sense of control. Twice he pushed her past some threshold she didn’t know to expect, the freefall dizzying even as he held her in place, held the pieces of her together as her body forgot to function. It made sense, for a brief moment, why people lost their mind when emotions were at play. She was not some higher being now, a creature of intellect and reason. She was so very human, a being of flesh, blood, and instinct. She felt alive and, with every snap of his hips, certain that she wouldn’t let him see the future through alone.
When he finally stilled above her and the lazy kisses she decided she adored slowed, she was reluctant to pull away. Themis was pleased, in a way that he would have to move away from her first, she lacked the strength to make the first move. The disgust and shame didn’t come, as he separated from her. The only thing that settled low in chest as she watched him was a certainty in their course. She allowed him to right himself, bring some order to his clothing before she spoke. “Whatever it is, you will see it through. And I won’t leave you to go it alone.”
He gave her no more time to overanalyze his sincerity as his body pinned her to the table. There was no room for panic as the weight of him held her in place, only a growing realization that there would be no other end to this encounter, there would be no stopping them now. She was overjoyed, the feeling heady and reckless as her hands begged to explore him.
She was lost to it, the overpowering force that was Samuel filling more of her senses now, her world shrinking to every point of contact between them. Her head fell back as she moved with him, the table and the back of her head meeting in a way she would regret tomorrow. It didn’t matter, the ache in her head nothing compared to the way Sam surrounded her. She resented the articles of clothing still separating them; wanted to catalogue every inch of him before he walked away from her. The thought that this was it, that in moments he would dismiss her and go chasing his demons, made her wild. Her hands were at his chest, intent on ridding him of his damned shirt when he stopped her. A spark of dread flared in her chest as he stilled her hands, certain that this was when he stopped them both. She searched his face for explanation, but quickly gave up her search and what was left of her composure when he finally joined them.
There was no place for soft words and gentle seduction tonight. The list of ways this should be different was loud in her mind for a moment. She did not take lovers, did not endanger her reputation, she certainly didn’t seduce men or swoon at the first shows of attention. This wasn’t her, propriety scolded, but any thoughts about what she should do evaporated as they established a rhythm that left her incapable of reason.
The only words she seemed capable of were a litany of his name, a prayer to him as he wrecked her sense of control. Twice he pushed her past some threshold she didn’t know to expect, the freefall dizzying even as he held her in place, held the pieces of her together as her body forgot to function. It made sense, for a brief moment, why people lost their mind when emotions were at play. She was not some higher being now, a creature of intellect and reason. She was so very human, a being of flesh, blood, and instinct. She felt alive and, with every snap of his hips, certain that she wouldn’t let him see the future through alone.
When he finally stilled above her and the lazy kisses she decided she adored slowed, she was reluctant to pull away. Themis was pleased, in a way that he would have to move away from her first, she lacked the strength to make the first move. The disgust and shame didn’t come, as he separated from her. The only thing that settled low in chest as she watched him was a certainty in their course. She allowed him to right himself, bring some order to his clothing before she spoke. “Whatever it is, you will see it through. And I won’t leave you to go it alone.”