Ford sounded as helpless as she felt, as trapped as she did. She could have broken down all over again at the way he said her name. It felt like – all night it had felt like – the world around them was caving in.
She ought to have felt some flicker of hope at his sudden offer of an explanation, shouldn’t she? It was what she had just asked for, after all. But – there was something about the panic in his face or his stance at the door, clinging on for dear life, the way he was pleading for her to wait and listen, that only made her more afraid. For better, for worse, Jemima told herself, almost nonsensically thinking of their vows. They were married, and if it was only for worse and worse, then – so be it.
Her face was bloodless, her lips pressed tight together to stop herself saying anything she might regret. She wasn’t quite brave enough to manage saying I will, or tell me, or it’s okay anymore, but she steeled herself against the dread, gaze fixed on him, and nodded solemnly.
She ought to have felt some flicker of hope at his sudden offer of an explanation, shouldn’t she? It was what she had just asked for, after all. But – there was something about the panic in his face or his stance at the door, clinging on for dear life, the way he was pleading for her to wait and listen, that only made her more afraid. For better, for worse, Jemima told herself, almost nonsensically thinking of their vows. They were married, and if it was only for worse and worse, then – so be it.
Her face was bloodless, her lips pressed tight together to stop herself saying anything she might regret. She wasn’t quite brave enough to manage saying I will, or tell me, or it’s okay anymore, but she steeled herself against the dread, gaze fixed on him, and nodded solemnly.