Entry four - day 84
Vladimir - 2 1/8 inch tall, several leaves of a reddish colour, a single flower has formed but not opened
Bathomy - 2 5/8 inch tall, several leaves, plant is growing quickly but with less density
Lamia.- 3 inch, darker red than the other plants, several leaves, two buds and her first tooth
Strigoi - 2 2/8 inch, several leaves middling growth density
Sith - no growth
The plants appear to be growing well except Sith who I can confirm is dead at this point. The darkest of the plants and the one that seems to be thriving most is Lamia. She has one small tooth formed and I believe that gloves will be in order for any future examinations.
I have had a rewarding correspondence with a Miss Cordelia Emsworth regards the project and she believes that the blood, while not doing anything intrinsically to the plant, may be adding something to the soil. My hypothesis based on the work of F Hünefeld is that the red hemoglobin in my blood might by both nourishing and pigmenting the leaves of the plant. She also suggested that my metamorphmagus blood is unlikely to have any impact on the study. However, the more inquisitive part of me holds out hope of something peculiar that I might discover and call my own, so I have repeated the innoculation of each of the plants.
Regarding plant maintenance I have repotted each of the plants, maintianing the original soil but checking their roots. All appear healthy but Bathomy did have a small weevil growing between its roots which might explain the thinner growth compared to the other sample plants.
homework fao Mason Skeeter
Her name is pronounced similarly to Penelope