How treacherous of life it was, to feel so pleasant and easy until the exact moment the bottom fell out beneath her feet. The door opened and her husband's cousin Rowan burst in — Merlin knows what she was doing here. Not only was Elfie left hanging imminently before the precipice, the drop to reality could not be any more harsh. She screamed. Don Juan retreated away from her and thus removed the last bit of cover that had obscured her from view.
She scrambled to pull something, anything over her body, but the only thing in reach was the tablecloth on the small table that held a new botanical arrangement, gifted by Clifford's mother. Vases came tumbling and crashing down. She pulled the cloth over her body.
The tiny decorative magic birds that belonged to the kitschy flower display scattered into the air and made angry, shrill noises.
"Rowan—" Elfie pleaded. "Please don't tell him. Please."
She was aware that Don Juan was somewhere to her side. She wanted to tell him to disapparate, but then she would be all alone. And Elfrieda had never been so scared in her life.
She scrambled to pull something, anything over her body, but the only thing in reach was the tablecloth on the small table that held a new botanical arrangement, gifted by Clifford's mother. Vases came tumbling and crashing down. She pulled the cloth over her body.
The tiny decorative magic birds that belonged to the kitschy flower display scattered into the air and made angry, shrill noises.
"Rowan—" Elfie pleaded. "Please don't tell him. Please."
She was aware that Don Juan was somewhere to her side. She wanted to tell him to disapparate, but then she would be all alone. And Elfrieda had never been so scared in her life.
![[Image: sig-watercolor.png]](