The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
At the mention of Ophelia's potentially waxy corpse, Nova felt inspired to inquire just how much Porphyria knew about decomposition, scientifically speaking. Nova preferred a more romanticized lens herself, but that didn't mean the reality didn't also intrigue her. Before she found the exact words to do just this, however, Porphyria was speaking again.
On the third word, Nova felt a tug of recognition from her subconscious. By the end of the first line she knew what was happening but she hadn't fully processed or accepted it. She turned her face towards Porphyria. At 'grasping' her heart suddenly seemed to lurch into understanding and threatened to make her lightheaded with its sudden hammering. From here on out she could only listen as her mind and body seemed in a state of tumult. She fought to ignore it all as best she could, even in the face of dangerously weak knees, because she couldn't bear to miss even a syllable.
By the time Porphyria had finished, there were a few stray tears running down Nova's cheeks although she was none the wiser. They had quoted poetry to one another on more than one occasion but this felt different to her. It had something to do with the hand holding. She felt an overwhelming want for something, for closeness, but that in itself confused her and at the same time it reminded her of... Oh!
Oh no.
No. She looked down at their hands. She wanted now to extract hers but at the same time couldn't bring herself to do it, she started to pull her palm away but at the same time her fingers gripped tighter. Nova, looking stricken, glanced back up at Porphyria and with great difficulty looked her in the eyes - only to immediately look away again. She couldn't summon any words, her mouth felt completely cut off from her brain. What was she to do? Maybe it wasn't too late for her to pretend all was fine and normal? Could she do that? Maybe... Maybe she was mistaken anyway, she was just a little overwrought and confused and she needed to clear her head.
Nova gave her hand a squeeze and hoped it would somehow be enough to cover everything and also make sure Porphyria didn't think she didn't appreciate her Keats when she very, very much did.
Outfit | Tag: Porphyria Dempsey | Notes: