Tycho just about jumped out of his skin as the door swung open. He moved away from Ford as his eyes took in the form of his wife. This was never what he had intended.
"Nothing. I'm just... drunk and teasing my friend," he said, giving Ford an opening to claim either one-sidedness on Tychos part or simple close friends joking around because they were menfolk or something. Surely, this was salvageable. He would not survive it if he had blown up Fords life with his selfish inability to let of his love for the man. He had no idea if she was the naive sort or not but given she had once been disrobing at a ball, he kind of doubted it.
He should have moved to a country far away when it had first crossed his mind to do so.
"Nothing. I'm just... drunk and teasing my friend," he said, giving Ford an opening to claim either one-sidedness on Tychos part or simple close friends joking around because they were menfolk or something. Surely, this was salvageable. He would not survive it if he had blown up Fords life with his selfish inability to let of his love for the man. He had no idea if she was the naive sort or not but given she had once been disrobing at a ball, he kind of doubted it.
He should have moved to a country far away when it had first crossed his mind to do so.