Millie removed her hand in a timely fashion as they walked, Benedict felt a little sting of disappointment which he might have teased himself for but it was for the best as they couldn't risk getting scene by the gossip like that, innocent as their friendship was.
He laughed "Not the circus then? No top hat and tails? Yeah, I think the zoo is probably the most realistic, but I do dream of discovering some far-flung creature that no one has seen before. I might travel a little after school if I can afford it." boys tended to have a window between graduation and social relevance that he was sure he could fill with something. Ultimately though he was quite a family-orientated person so might find it hard to be away from the rest of his family and friends for too long at a time.
The other Ravenclaw finally came into view and Benedict had to stifle another laugh as he nodded a greeting to the sixth year. Well suited to animals? Was she poking fun at him, he found the way she was relaxing more and more around him to be refreshing and only made him enjoy her company more. "Miss Potts is correct, if I get my creatures NEWT that is. All Hunters have animals in the blood, a bit like the Potts and their plants don't you think?" he grinned widely.
"I shall bid you girls goodnight and head on my patrol, I think I need to do a lap of the greenhouses before I head back to the tower." he felt a strange urge to share more affection with Millie before he excused himself, but this was not the time for that.
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