Minty was pleased to be right. She was a little surprised at how frank he was being but did not wholly mind it. Maybe because he was handsome. "I suppose not. They all lost in the end," she remarked a little morbidly. Unbeknownst to her, the lava chocolate she had partaken in earlier had lowered her impulse control so she was not filtering out her thoughts as she normally might have.
"Hmm," she hummed in thought to his question. "In the arms of someone I love and who loves me." Realizing what she had just said, her skin flushed even deeper. What a thing to say to a brand new acquaintance and a gentleman at that! It was unlike her. "What about you?" She asked, hoping to get the heat off of what her own answer had been.
"Hmm," she hummed in thought to his question. "In the arms of someone I love and who loves me." Realizing what she had just said, her skin flushed even deeper. What a thing to say to a brand new acquaintance and a gentleman at that! It was unlike her. "What about you?" She asked, hoping to get the heat off of what her own answer had been.

magical set by MJ!