The question about the kitchen had him chuckling lowly. "I can do enough to get by, easy things though, like eggs." Breakfast seemed to be the easiest thing to cook and the foods were cheap. It really wasn't that hard to fry up some eggs and sausages at any time of day really. "Usually I get fed wherever I land, though." Which was a nice perk of bed surfing from time to time. He supposed if he'd chosen to rent a room instead of an entire flat, the food would have been included, but Dean valued his privacy far too much for that. "Easy thing to pick up when traveling, different ethnicities and the different foods, people are always so keen to share that sort of thing." It was one of his favorite parts of traveling.
Sipping at his whiskey, he watched Dempsey over the edge of the glass. "It does the trick though, I don't need much space, just the bed really." He cast a glance over there before looking meaningfully back at his company.
Sipping at his whiskey, he watched Dempsey over the edge of the glass. "It does the trick though, I don't need much space, just the bed really." He cast a glance over there before looking meaningfully back at his company.
![[Image: Dean-Sig-New.png]](