It was not often that she deigned to visit her parents these days, but she had to keep up the appearances of Cindy's "illness" and so therefore she went often enough for it to be considered appropriate. Mostly she didn't to hear her mother bemoan the loss of her favorite child (Hadrian) or get side-eyed about what it was she was doing with her time these days.
Still, it was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the dogs did like the estate grounds far better than that of her small townhouse garden. It was hard not to feel bad for them in that regard. After taking tea with her mother and leaving her parents to whatever it was they had planned for the afternoon, Delia thought she would at least get the dogs some good exercise before they returned to London.
They were playing a rousing game of fetch, Boone was half submerged in the pond like a typical Labrador, while Ace was hunting down the stick she'd just sent magically flying. Only Atlas, her beautiful best friend, remained by her side, faithful as ever and always close by. She laid a hand on his big soft head and sighed. She did sort of miss this. It brought back memories of fonder days, of happier times, but she was determined not to let herself sink into missing him.
As they headed toward the arboretum, Delia rather thought she might get a snack from the fruit trees within, when she felt something go whizzing by her. Ace was... flying? Both Atlas and a soaking wet Boone went bounding after him, Delia picking up her skirts to catch up.
Still, it was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the dogs did like the estate grounds far better than that of her small townhouse garden. It was hard not to feel bad for them in that regard. After taking tea with her mother and leaving her parents to whatever it was they had planned for the afternoon, Delia thought she would at least get the dogs some good exercise before they returned to London.
They were playing a rousing game of fetch, Boone was half submerged in the pond like a typical Labrador, while Ace was hunting down the stick she'd just sent magically flying. Only Atlas, her beautiful best friend, remained by her side, faithful as ever and always close by. She laid a hand on his big soft head and sighed. She did sort of miss this. It brought back memories of fonder days, of happier times, but she was determined not to let herself sink into missing him.
As they headed toward the arboretum, Delia rather thought she might get a snack from the fruit trees within, when she felt something go whizzing by her. Ace was... flying? Both Atlas and a soaking wet Boone went bounding after him, Delia picking up her skirts to catch up.