A business acquaintance's house, which meant that Vera was involved in business — maybe the Chudley Cannons, which her stepson owned. Sera felt a pang in her chest. Despite being widowed, Veronica née Scamander seemed to have the life that Seraphina had always wanted for herself.
She knew she looked a little odd; leaning against the wall was a strange thing to be doing, especially because it was someone else's house. "I'm on a promenade," she said, with a playful quirk of her lips that she could not resist. Poking fun at herself, and maybe she could pretend this whole day was normal. "Or something like it."
She knew she looked a little odd; leaning against the wall was a strange thing to be doing, especially because it was someone else's house. "I'm on a promenade," she said, with a playful quirk of her lips that she could not resist. Poking fun at herself, and maybe she could pretend this whole day was normal. "Or something like it."