Twinkle twinkle you can't hide
I'm the devil in disguise
I'm the devil in disguise
It had been a while since Tig had thrown a proper party and she really was very pleased with this one. The fun had been a little slow to start (it took time for people to find her little traps) but now that it was in full swing she was practically gloating her way around the place. The effects of the chocolate lava in particular were becoming more apparent in her guests' behavior by the minute. She wasn't sure where her elusive husband had gotten to but for the most part she supposed she didn't really care, he could do what he wanted.
Tig was heading outside to snoop around the maze now that people were getting more fun, when she was abruptly yanked away. Shocked by the suddenness of it, her mind quickly tried to make sense of it and decided as she registered the little nook that it must surely be Tiberius. There you are, Tiberi- As she finally came face to face with Tiberius, she found to her horror that the man she had just fixed with a sultry look was not in fact, Tiberius. She recoiled from his as far as the alcove would allow.
Her brow furrowed into a scowl. What-? What did I do- What?! she spluttered, growing increasingly irritable as her brain fully caught up to events.
Outfit | Tag: Cassius Lestrange | Notes: