Moving slower; the woman had said that during their initial chat, however Avery didn’t think that too concerning for her age. In her examining, she looked up at the woman to see her leaning against the door frame, and she let out a huff of a laugh. “I know it’s not my place ma’am, you should sit down in your condition,” She waved her wand to draw up a chair. At the same time, she saw the behavior change in the dog — let out another laugh as the child also copied Yorick — and pondered. She’d said the dog was odd about going into corners, but it also appeared she was odd about turning corners as well.
“And you said she wasn’t magic at all?” Avery wanted to clarify before feeding the dog a few treats and withdrawing a book from her bag to transcribe notes. It flipped open in mid air while she fetched a quill. At the top she wrote down the facts she had so far, plus the dog’s name and — “I don’t believe I got your name at all either, ma’am.”
“And you said she wasn’t magic at all?” Avery wanted to clarify before feeding the dog a few treats and withdrawing a book from her bag to transcribe notes. It flipped open in mid air while she fetched a quill. At the top she wrote down the facts she had so far, plus the dog’s name and — “I don’t believe I got your name at all either, ma’am.”