The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
Nova had been inordinately excited to attend this event seeing as it was hosted by Miss Dempsey's family, and she'd intentionally kept her costume a secret and asked very little about it from Porphyria so as to preserve an element of surprise for both of them. Now that she was stood in their house dressed as Ophelia incurring the scrutiny of Porphyria's brother, it was clear to her this had been a monumental mistake.
She hadn't realized someone else was dressed as Ophelia, she hadn't seen the lady in question thus far and now she hoped she never did. Nova almost felt like her face was on fire so deeply was she flushed. She should've gone with Juliet, or Cordelia, or Desdemona, Merlin's hell why had she chosen Ophelia?! It seemed so obviously foolish to her now in this moment that she could only blame herself. She didn't know Don Juan at all except she was pretty sure she recognized him as a Dempsey by sight.
I did not know, I should have- have- I- She wasn't sure if she was more likely to cry or faint first but rather hoped it would be the latter so she could at least momentarily escape this situation. Of course this would be perfect moment for a fainting spell and of all the times for her not to feel lightheaded, it had to be now. You are one of- You are Porph- Miss D-Dempsey's brother?
Outfit | Tag: Don Juan Dempsey | Notes: