Full Name: Leonard BlankNicknames: Leo
Birthdate: 16.08.1880
Current Age: 14 Years
Gender: male
Occupation: fourth year student
Reputation: 7, although without a family to speak for him, Leonard is generally regarded as a nice and diligent boy who can be trusted around the table silver.
Residence: If he is not at Hogwarts, he lives with whoever employs him or takes him in out of kindness
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Cherry, 10", supple, unicorn hair
Blood Status: Pureblooded
Social Class: working
Leonard has no known living relatives. It is likely that he was born in rural Lithuania. However, he had a few benefactors who took care of him.
Most importabtly Quentin Blake -- the researcher and adventurer rescued Leonard when he was an infant and supported him as good as he, a single man in his 20s with little family to speak off, could manage. He is currently missing after a setting off to Russia for research.
Leonards only capital in this world is that he is very beautiful. His face is pale and carries an earnest expression and the harmony of its feature is at this moment arranged in the curious, touching perfection that is often only a fleeting moment in a childs development, where they look almost otherworldy. The honeyblond color of his hair is recognizable from afar. It is long and falls in loose waves onto his shoulders.
It will not be long until puberty may change him. He seems to be a late bloomer but recently had a growth spurt accompanied by growing pains. He is quite anxious about it.
Leonard is of a slight build and appears very delicate, sometimes to the point of seeming sickly.
1881 - 1887 -- a boy saved from the cauldron
In the summer of 1881, word reaches British traveler Quentin Blake that a coven of hags is terrorizing a village in rural Lithuania, stealing children and presumably eating them. The man sets out to free the peasants of that plight and indeed succeeds in routing out the beasts and killing them all.
One living infant is left in their den, already sitting by the cauldron. It is a quiet little thing with blue eyes. Asking around the nearby villages, nobody claims him. It is presumed that he must be of magical ancestry because there was a charmed amulet fastened to his blankets that wards off insects from stinging or biting the child.
Blake contacts the wizarding community in Lithuania and hands the child over. He is named Leonardas for his blonde, thick head of hair, resembling a lion's mane. He is put in the care of an orphanage in Vilnius, and his rescuer pledges to support him with a modest annual sum.
Leonardas has a right terrible upbringing at this orphanage, where the children are kept in line in a most cold and authoritarian manner, as is not uncommon at the time.
1887 -- Leaving Lithuania
Blake, who returns to Lithuania six years after the incident and visits the orphanage, decides that the boy was not as well cared for as he had hoped and takes him home to Britain. He is registered with the Ministry; the official there changes his name to Leonard and since no one had given him a surname and the official is severely lacking in imagination, he simply writes down "Blank" on his paper. And so, the person known as Leonard Blank comes to be.
1887 - 1888 -- living in Hogsmeade
Raising a seven-year-old as a bachelor who needs to travel a lot for his job and who has little money proves very difficult, but Quentin Blake tries his best to give Leonard an education and teach him the language and manners of English society. They move to Hogsmeade to a little pension where the old Mrs. Clawburn, who owned it, could look out for the boy when Blake was away.
1889 -- 1891
In January of 1889, Blake sets off to Russia for an excursion and does not return. No word reaches the pension about his whereabouts. To this day, he remains missing.
Leonard, who is of course terribly upset, remains at the pension. The ministry suggests taking him on as a ward and placing him in an orphanage or with a family, but Leonard is terrified of going to another group home and reacts to all these circumstances by becoming very sick.
Due to his fragile health, it is decided to leave him at the pension. Mrs. Clawburn agrees to care for him until his health improves. She is not cold-hearted but very pragmatic.
Blake's money soon runs out, and she tells Leonard that he has to start making himself useful if he wants to stick around.
He starts working in the kitchen, feeds the chickens, and serves tea to the tenants.
Since he has a beautiful voice and attends the choir, he starts singing in the streets for some extra money.
Soon he is noticed by some sentimental older ladies from the community. He starts working at their houses, singing at their tea parties and bringing them their slippers.
They find him droll and give him cake and new clothes when he needs them. Slowly, he builds connections in the community, who become all he has going for him. So he gets on and gets around until it is time to go to Hogwarts.
1891 - 1894 -- Entering Hogwarts until today
The shy boy starts school and is surprisingly sorted into Slytherin. He struggles because his education since Blake's absence has been subpar. When he enters Hogwarts, he's functionally illiterate. This improves over time, but he masks his deficiency by having others write his homework in exchange for favors or by employing his little network in Hogsmeade to send treats and other bartering goods by owl.
By fourth year, he sort of writes and reads a little, but his comprehension and spelling still lag way behind his peers and he frequently uses a very smartly disguised magic feather to complete essays, which might lead to trouble later on. He compensates with his excellent memory and auditive learning skills.
In 1892, Mrs. Clawburn dies of old age, leaving Leonard more or less homeless—were it not for different people across Hogsmeade stepping up to take him in for summer.
More than ever, Hogwarts becomes his home and respite, and he's terribly scared of one day having to leave it.
Generally, he is a boy who was conditioned to be very eager to please because his survival depends upon it. He has good manners and an endearing earnestness.
A design of fluctuation --
Leonard seems to be born under a star that destined him for a life of change and insecurity. From his strange upbringing to his current situation, he has to constantly contend with the fact that nothing and no one stays. Perhaps as a result, he himself fluctuates in moods, is impulsive, melancholic, and creative. Adding to this, he has a wealth of energy to sustain his flights of fancy.
A design of materialism —
It is extremely important for Leonard to be in control of his own resources, and it is the prime reason why he avoids staying at a household too long and does not want to stay with a family for free instead of working. Having money is the only thing giving him a feeling of steadiness, and at the age of 14, he is already very business-minded and can be a bit of a trickster. He is good at managing his money and is not cheap when it's about providing something for his friends.
A design of wanting to be part of something —
Leonard wants very badly to belong somewhere, yet there is an energy about him that always sets him apart as a separate entity from the rest. He is the servant boy, looking out the window at the other children playing and wondering why he cannot, but is at the same time absolutely unwilling to join them in their carefreeness.
He struggles very much to distance himself from negative influences and would stay in emotionally unhealthy dynamics, afraid to afflict someone else with the sense of aloneness he feels so constantly.
A design of stubbornness —
It seems that Leonard is in this world to struggle and to find out by trial and error what is worth fighting for and what is not. He is able to withstand pressure and dig his heels in. The bite he has in him often comes as a big surprise to his environment, as it is very much opposed to the image he presents.
Name: LouAge: 26
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: Samuel Griffith, Elfrieda Yaxley, Alastair Rosier, Victor Frey
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![[Image: leo-b.png]](