August 12th, 1894 — Hogsmeade Hospital
The cat, which Seraphina had named Heathcliff after the Wuthering Heights character, had found the doxy in the Bythesea solarium. This was thrilling to Heathcliff, who spent some amount of time trying to torment the thing before Seraphina found the pair. She had been trying to rescue the poor thing, but the minute creature could not tell the difference between a hunter and a rescuer. It bit down with some force on the meat of Sera's thumb, and her hand immediately started to purple. She remembered enough of Care of Magical Creatures to know that doxies were poisonous, and took the floo network to Hogsmeade Hospital. Being wealthy and also possibly poisoned by the doxy, Sera was shown to a room, and she had only been picking at her nails for a few minutes when the door opened.
"Mr. Collins!" Sera said, smiling genuinely at the handsome, adventurous healer. "A pleasure to see you again, although —" she held up her damaged hand "— I wish it was under better circumstances."
@"Daffodil Potts" Jack Collins