Victory found himself waiting to see what Blott would do next. He got the sense that maybe the other was not as experienced as he had been trying to appear. And if he was, it was difficult for Victory to tell.
Victory took the open mouth as an invitation to explore the others mouth with his tongue, caressing the others with his own. He laughed at the question answered. "What is it that you can provide?" He said in return as he pressed his lips in a trail down the others throat. If he was going to do this, he was damn well going to make the most of it.
Victory took the open mouth as an invitation to explore the others mouth with his tongue, caressing the others with his own. He laughed at the question answered. "What is it that you can provide?" He said in return as he pressed his lips in a trail down the others throat. If he was going to do this, he was damn well going to make the most of it.

set by Lady!