June 8, 1894
Dear Violet,I cannot wait until we can make our own rules. I'm nearly sixteen, I don't need anyone telling me where I can go. After graduation, there won't be anyone that can stop me, either. I can't wait to go where I want.
I'm sorry your nanny governess is sick. I'm extra sorry you have to go to Pendegrast. You shouldn't be punished just because your governess is ill.
I'm finished with Potions and DADA reading, those were fine. If you have trouble sleeping, try the History of Magic book. I don't know why we have to read any of it. If these witches and wizards are sooo important, shouldn't their lives be less dull? If anyone wrote a book about me, I want it to be exciting, not boring. And there would be more duels in mine, too. And don't feel bad. I only read English and half of it is still nonsense to me.
I've never been to an opera, but I like when there are concerts at Padmore Park. I don't know why you like to have people sing at you in languages you don't speak. I'll find way to stay busy. I see Millie loads, which helps. My brother is an auror trainee, so he's too busy for fun this summer. I hate that, but I'm proud of him. Ned is going to be the best auror ever. Unless I want to be one, too. There's going to be a fishing contest on the Black Lake and I get to work for Mr. Grimstone at his broom shop. He married Millie's cousin this spring. I hope that doesn't mean he's going to be boring now. I hate when adults get married and get boring.
Miss Anne Imogene Moony