Something fundamental had changed in him, then. It wasn't as simple as a mistress abandoning him or a new experience with drugs. The mundane, emotionally constipated man she'd been married to for a better part of a decade had been completely replaced, for her Philip never would have suggested they partake in such things.
His apathy normally left Alexandra floundering in any sort of emotionally charged situations, so to suddenly feel as though he might win had her meeting his suggestion with all the grace and elegance of a lioness. She met his stare head on, the challenge accepted without so much as a word, as she stood. This Philip wouldn't ever be granted the privilege of believing he had a submissive and tolerant wife. Not when she couldn't be certain what exactly had changed and what her involvement in the future would look like.
His apathy normally left Alexandra floundering in any sort of emotionally charged situations, so to suddenly feel as though he might win had her meeting his suggestion with all the grace and elegance of a lioness. She met his stare head on, the challenge accepted without so much as a word, as she stood. This Philip wouldn't ever be granted the privilege of believing he had a submissive and tolerant wife. Not when she couldn't be certain what exactly had changed and what her involvement in the future would look like.