Blott was grinning like a cheshire and it was doing nothing to sway Victorys belief that Blott was trying to bed him. He was of the mind at the moment to let him succeed. The others further actions cemented this thought.
And now the man was coming for his lips. Now that the moment of truth had arrived, he felt a little stuck. Stuck long enough that soon the others lips were on his own. And oh it had been so long since he had enjoyed the warmth of another mans lips on his own. He could not help but to give in despite his instincts telling him this was a bad idea.
And now the man was coming for his lips. Now that the moment of truth had arrived, he felt a little stuck. Stuck long enough that soon the others lips were on his own. And oh it had been so long since he had enjoyed the warmth of another mans lips on his own. He could not help but to give in despite his instincts telling him this was a bad idea.

set by Lady!