Victory did not know what it was that Blott wanted from him but he supposed he would find out eventually. He was going against his instincts here but he couldn't quite help it. He was lonely and Blott was not exactly horrible to look at.
Blott was an awfully touchy-feely person, wasn't he? The thought that Blott was trying to bed him was still present in his mind. "I could," he hedged, contemplating it for a moment before deciding to hell with it and putting his hand on the mans waist so that he could side-apparate him more safely. And with a pop, they were in his house.
Blott was an awfully touchy-feely person, wasn't he? The thought that Blott was trying to bed him was still present in his mind. "I could," he hedged, contemplating it for a moment before deciding to hell with it and putting his hand on the mans waist so that he could side-apparate him more safely. And with a pop, they were in his house.

set by Lady!