Evidently not, Jemima thought darkly, because men’s trousers never were the fashion. But she had been the recipient of too much talk in the past few weeks to make anyone endure the same, and she would have stopped herself anyway, because she knew it was mean. Recognising that she was being unkind had to be better than nothing, didn’t it? If she cast away her worse thoughts, and tried to be better?
“Bigger sleeves,” Jemima recommended, for what the fashions were – though sleeves the size of balloons could not make Miss Mackenzie a traditional debutante. (There she went again.) “Will you be attending events this season?” Jemima asked, determined to get through the conversation kindly. “I supposed you were always too busy, travelling the world.” Was that what cursebreakers did? She pictured a lot of dust.
“Bigger sleeves,” Jemima recommended, for what the fashions were – though sleeves the size of balloons could not make Miss Mackenzie a traditional debutante. (There she went again.) “Will you be attending events this season?” Jemima asked, determined to get through the conversation kindly. “I supposed you were always too busy, travelling the world.” Was that what cursebreakers did? She pictured a lot of dust.