Oh, that gasp. Tycho had missed the sound of it. He wished he was truly feeling flesh in his own body but this was going to have to do. But something was off about the way the other was breathing so when Ford demanded he stop, Tycho did so.
He watched, eyes full of yearning, as Ford took steps back. His heart broke again at the others words. That had not been his intention, not at all. He had been doing his best. He had failed them both. He was the weak one, the one who was not a good person. Suffice to say, he was quite sobered up.
"I wasn't trying to make a point, I didn't even intend to come here," he declared. "It's just... I miss you when I wake, I miss you with every breath I take, my dreams are full of you. You are a good person. It's me, I'm the bad one - I was too weak, I tried so hard to keep away but I began to doubt you... I thought trying some Spiritus would make me feel something but instead I thought of you and it brought me here and I broke." It had not helped that there were still so many unanswered questions but the state of Ford now at least told him that the budding thoughts that Ford had actually never loved him were quite untrue.
He watched, eyes full of yearning, as Ford took steps back. His heart broke again at the others words. That had not been his intention, not at all. He had been doing his best. He had failed them both. He was the weak one, the one who was not a good person. Suffice to say, he was quite sobered up.
"I wasn't trying to make a point, I didn't even intend to come here," he declared. "It's just... I miss you when I wake, I miss you with every breath I take, my dreams are full of you. You are a good person. It's me, I'm the bad one - I was too weak, I tried so hard to keep away but I began to doubt you... I thought trying some Spiritus would make me feel something but instead I thought of you and it brought me here and I broke." It had not helped that there were still so many unanswered questions but the state of Ford now at least told him that the budding thoughts that Ford had actually never loved him were quite untrue.